

こんにちは! けい(Twitter)です。








  • 外観
  • 通知
  • アップデータプラグイン
  • ビデオドライバ
  • カメラドライバ
  • Chromiumドライバ




Raspberry Pi 「Bullseye」では、新たなカメラドライバ「libcamera」が導入されます。







  1. Raspberry Pi OS「Bullseye」をお使いの方
  2. Raspberry Pi OS「Buster」をお使いの方


lsb_release -a

Raspberry Pi OS「Bullseye」をお使いの方


そのため、 「libcamera」をインストールする必要はありません



Raspberry Pi OS「Buster」をお使いの方



sudo apt update
sudo apt full-upgrade


sudo apt install libcamera-apps




Camera Moduleconfig.txtに追加する文字
V1 camera (OV5647)dtoverlay=ov5647
V2 camera (IMX219)dtoverlay=imx219
HQ camera (IMX477)dtoverlay=imx477
IMX290 and IMX327dtoverlay=imx290,clock-frequency=74250000 or dtoverlay=imx290,clock-frequency=37125000 (both modules share the imx290 kernel driver; please refer to instructions from the module vendor for the correct frequency)
created by Rinker
Raspberry Pi
¥3,300 (2024/09/19 01:09:22時点 Amazon調べ-詳細)

私の場合は、一般的なカメラモジュール【Raspberry Pi Camera V2】を使用しているので、「dtoverlay=imx219」という文字を「/boot/config.txt」に追加します。

sudo nano /boot/config.txt




sudo reboot now





  • 簡単なカメラコマンド 「libcamera-hello」
  • 高解像度の静止画コマンド 「libcamera-jpeg」
  • 高度な静止画コマンド 「libcamera-still」
  • 高度な動画コマンド 「libcamera-vid」


簡単なカメラコマンド libcamera-hello

カメラ版のHello World!


このコマンドはカメラ版のHello worldで、カメラが正しく機能しているかを確認するコマンドです。



libcamera-hello -t 0


libcamera-hello -h
Valid options are:
  -h [ --help ] [=arg(=1)] (=0)         Print this help message
  --version [=arg(=1)] (=0)             Displays the build version number
  -v [ --verbose ] [=arg(=1)] (=0)      Output extra debug and diagnostics
  -c [ --config ] [=arg(=config.txt)]   Read the options from a file. If no filename is specified, default to 
                                        config.txt. In case of duplicate options, the ones provided on the command line
                                        will be used. Note that the config file must only contain the long form 
  --info-text arg (=#%frame (%fps fps) exp %exp ag %ag dg %dg)
                                        Sets the information string on the titlebar. Available values:
                                        %frame (frame number)
                                        %fps (framerate)
                                        %exp (shutter speed)
                                        %ag (analogue gain)
                                        %dg (digital gain)
                                        %rg (red colour gain)
                                        %bg (blue colour gain)
                                        %focus (focus FoM value)
                                        %aelock (AE locked status)
  --width arg (=0)                      Set the output image width (0 = use default value)
  --height arg (=0)                     Set the output image height (0 = use default value)
  -t [ --timeout ] arg (=5000)          Time (in ms) for which program runs
  -o [ --output ] arg                   Set the output file name
  --post-process-file arg               Set the file name for configuring the post-processing
  --rawfull [=arg(=1)] (=0)             Force use of full resolution raw frames
  -n [ --nopreview ] [=arg(=1)] (=0)    Do not show a preview window
  -p [ --preview ] arg (=0,0,0,0)       Set the preview window dimensions, given as x,y,width,height e.g. 0,0,640,480
  -f [ --fullscreen ] [=arg(=1)] (=0)   Use a fullscreen preview window
  --qt-preview [=arg(=1)] (=0)          Use Qt-based preview window (WARNING: causes heavy CPU load, fullscreen not 
  --hflip [=arg(=1)] (=0)               Request a horizontal flip transform
  --vflip [=arg(=1)] (=0)               Request a vertical flip transform
  --rotation arg (=0)                   Request an image rotation, 0 or 180
  --roi arg (=0,0,0,0)                  Set region of interest (digital zoom) e.g. 0.25,0.25,0.5,0.5
  --shutter arg (=0)                    Set a fixed shutter speed
  --analoggain arg (=0)                 Set a fixed gain value (synonym for 'gain' option)
  --gain arg                            Set a fixed gain value
  --metering arg (=centre)              Set the metering mode (centre, spot, average, custom)
  --exposure arg (=normal)              Set the exposure mode (normal, sport)
  --ev arg (=0)                         Set the EV exposure compensation, where 0 = no change
  --awb arg (=auto)                     Set the AWB mode (auto, incandescent, tungsten, fluorescent, indoor, daylight, 
                                        cloudy, custom)
  --awbgains arg (=0,0)                 Set explict red and blue gains (disable the automatic AWB algorithm)
  --flush [=arg(=1)] (=0)               Flush output data as soon as possible
  --wrap arg (=0)                       When writing multiple output files, reset the counter when it reaches this 
  --brightness arg (=0)                 Adjust the brightness of the output images, in the range -1.0 to 1.0
  --contrast arg (=1)                   Adjust the contrast of the output image, where 1.0 = normal contrast
  --saturation arg (=1)                 Adjust the colour saturation of the output, where 1.0 = normal and 0.0 = 
  --sharpness arg (=1)                  Adjust the sharpness of the output image, where 1.0 = normal sharpening
  --framerate arg (=30)                 Set the fixed framerate for preview and video modes
  --denoise arg (=auto)                 Sets the Denoise operating mode: auto, off, cdn_off, cdn_fast, cdn_hq
  --viewfinder-width arg (=0)           Width of viewfinder frames from the camera (distinct from the preview window 
  --viewfinder-height arg (=0)          Height of viewfinder frames from the camera (distinct from the preview window 
  --tuning-file arg (=-)                Name of camera tuning file to use, omit this option for libcamera default 
  --lores-width arg (=0)                Width of low resolution frames (use 0 to omit low resolution stream
  --lores-height arg (=0)               Height of low resolution frames (use 0 to omit low resolution stream

高解像度の静止画コマンド libcamera-jpeg


libcamera-jpeg -o test1.jpg




libcamera-jpeg -o test2.jpg -t 2000 --width 640 --height 480
  • -t プレビューの表示時間 [ms]
  • –width 横の解像度
  • –height 縦の解像度


libcamera-jpeg -h
Valid options are:
  -h [ --help ] [=arg(=1)] (=0)         Print this help message
  --version [=arg(=1)] (=0)             Displays the build version number
  -v [ --verbose ] [=arg(=1)] (=0)      Output extra debug and diagnostics
  -c [ --config ] [=arg(=config.txt)]   Read the options from a file. If no filename is specified, default to 
                                        config.txt. In case of duplicate options, the ones provided on the command line
                                        will be used. Note that the config file must only contain the long form 
  --info-text arg (=#%frame (%fps fps) exp %exp ag %ag dg %dg)
                                        Sets the information string on the titlebar. Available values:
                                        %frame (frame number)
                                        %fps (framerate)
                                        %exp (shutter speed)
                                        %ag (analogue gain)
                                        %dg (digital gain)
                                        %rg (red colour gain)
                                        %bg (blue colour gain)
                                        %focus (focus FoM value)
                                        %aelock (AE locked status)
  --width arg (=0)                      Set the output image width (0 = use default value)
  --height arg (=0)                     Set the output image height (0 = use default value)
  -t [ --timeout ] arg (=5000)          Time (in ms) for which program runs
  -o [ --output ] arg                   Set the output file name
  --post-process-file arg               Set the file name for configuring the post-processing
  --rawfull [=arg(=1)] (=0)             Force use of full resolution raw frames
  -n [ --nopreview ] [=arg(=1)] (=0)    Do not show a preview window
  -p [ --preview ] arg (=0,0,0,0)       Set the preview window dimensions, given as x,y,width,height e.g. 0,0,640,480
  -f [ --fullscreen ] [=arg(=1)] (=0)   Use a fullscreen preview window
  --qt-preview [=arg(=1)] (=0)          Use Qt-based preview window (WARNING: causes heavy CPU load, fullscreen not 
  --hflip [=arg(=1)] (=0)               Request a horizontal flip transform
  --vflip [=arg(=1)] (=0)               Request a vertical flip transform
  --rotation arg (=0)                   Request an image rotation, 0 or 180
  --roi arg (=0,0,0,0)                  Set region of interest (digital zoom) e.g. 0.25,0.25,0.5,0.5
  --shutter arg (=0)                    Set a fixed shutter speed
  --analoggain arg (=0)                 Set a fixed gain value (synonym for 'gain' option)
  --gain arg                            Set a fixed gain value
  --metering arg (=centre)              Set the metering mode (centre, spot, average, custom)
  --exposure arg (=normal)              Set the exposure mode (normal, sport)
  --ev arg (=0)                         Set the EV exposure compensation, where 0 = no change
  --awb arg (=auto)                     Set the AWB mode (auto, incandescent, tungsten, fluorescent, indoor, daylight, 
                                        cloudy, custom)
  --awbgains arg (=0,0)                 Set explict red and blue gains (disable the automatic AWB algorithm)
  --flush [=arg(=1)] (=0)               Flush output data as soon as possible
  --wrap arg (=0)                       When writing multiple output files, reset the counter when it reaches this 
  --brightness arg (=0)                 Adjust the brightness of the output images, in the range -1.0 to 1.0
  --contrast arg (=1)                   Adjust the contrast of the output image, where 1.0 = normal contrast
  --saturation arg (=1)                 Adjust the colour saturation of the output, where 1.0 = normal and 0.0 = 
  --sharpness arg (=1)                  Adjust the sharpness of the output image, where 1.0 = normal sharpening
  --framerate arg (=30)                 Set the fixed framerate for preview and video modes
  --denoise arg (=auto)                 Sets the Denoise operating mode: auto, off, cdn_off, cdn_fast, cdn_hq
  --viewfinder-width arg (=0)           Width of viewfinder frames from the camera (distinct from the preview window 
  --viewfinder-height arg (=0)          Height of viewfinder frames from the camera (distinct from the preview window 
  --tuning-file arg (=-)                Name of camera tuning file to use, omit this option for libcamera default 
  --lores-width arg (=0)                Width of low resolution frames (use 0 to omit low resolution stream
  --lores-height arg (=0)               Height of low resolution frames (use 0 to omit low resolution stream
  -q [ --quality ] arg (=93)            Set the JPEG quality parameter
  -x [ --exif ] arg                     Add these extra EXIF tags to the output file
  --timelapse arg (=0)                  Time interval (in ms) between timelapse captures
  --framestart arg (=0)                 Initial frame counter value for timelapse captures
  --datetime [=arg(=1)] (=0)            Use date format for output file names
  --timestamp [=arg(=1)] (=0)           Use system timestamps for output file names
  --restart arg (=0)                    Set JPEG restart interval
  -k [ --keypress ] [=arg(=1)] (=0)     Perform capture when ENTER pressed
  -s [ --signal ] [=arg(=1)] (=0)       Perform capture when signal received
  --thumb arg (=320:240:70)             Set thumbnail parameters as width:height:quality
  -e [ --encoding ] arg (=jpg)          Set the desired output encoding, either jpg, png, rgb, bmp or yuv420
  -r [ --raw ] [=arg(=1)] (=0)          Also save raw file in DNG format
  --latest arg                          Create a symbolic link with this name to most recent saved file
  --immediate [=arg(=1)] (=0)           Perform first capture immediately, with no preview phase

高度な静止画コマンド libcamera-still


libcamera-still -o test3.jpg



(png, bmp, rgb,yuv420)などに変更可能。

libcamera-still -e png -o test.png



libcamera-still -t 30000 --timelapse 3000 -o image%04d.jpg
  • -t 30000 トータルの撮影時間 [ms] 30000ms = 30s
  • –timelapse 3000 撮影間隔 [ms] 3000ms = 3s
  • -o image%04d.jpg 連番でファイルを出力 (image0000.jpg image0001.jpg ・・・)
libcamera-still -h
Valid options are:
  -h [ --help ] [=arg(=1)] (=0)         Print this help message
  --version [=arg(=1)] (=0)             Displays the build version number
  -v [ --verbose ] [=arg(=1)] (=0)      Output extra debug and diagnostics
  -c [ --config ] [=arg(=config.txt)]   Read the options from a file. If no filename is specified, default to 
                                        config.txt. In case of duplicate options, the ones provided on the command line
                                        will be used. Note that the config file must only contain the long form 
  --info-text arg (=#%frame (%fps fps) exp %exp ag %ag dg %dg)
                                        Sets the information string on the titlebar. Available values:
                                        %frame (frame number)
                                        %fps (framerate)
                                        %exp (shutter speed)
                                        %ag (analogue gain)
                                        %dg (digital gain)
                                        %rg (red colour gain)
                                        %bg (blue colour gain)
                                        %focus (focus FoM value)
                                        %aelock (AE locked status)
  --width arg (=0)                      Set the output image width (0 = use default value)
  --height arg (=0)                     Set the output image height (0 = use default value)
  -t [ --timeout ] arg (=5000)          Time (in ms) for which program runs
  -o [ --output ] arg                   Set the output file name
  --post-process-file arg               Set the file name for configuring the post-processing
  --rawfull [=arg(=1)] (=0)             Force use of full resolution raw frames
  -n [ --nopreview ] [=arg(=1)] (=0)    Do not show a preview window
  -p [ --preview ] arg (=0,0,0,0)       Set the preview window dimensions, given as x,y,width,height e.g. 0,0,640,480
  -f [ --fullscreen ] [=arg(=1)] (=0)   Use a fullscreen preview window
  --qt-preview [=arg(=1)] (=0)          Use Qt-based preview window (WARNING: causes heavy CPU load, fullscreen not 
  --hflip [=arg(=1)] (=0)               Request a horizontal flip transform
  --vflip [=arg(=1)] (=0)               Request a vertical flip transform
  --rotation arg (=0)                   Request an image rotation, 0 or 180
  --roi arg (=0,0,0,0)                  Set region of interest (digital zoom) e.g. 0.25,0.25,0.5,0.5
  --shutter arg (=0)                    Set a fixed shutter speed
  --analoggain arg (=0)                 Set a fixed gain value (synonym for 'gain' option)
  --gain arg                            Set a fixed gain value
  --metering arg (=centre)              Set the metering mode (centre, spot, average, custom)
  --exposure arg (=normal)              Set the exposure mode (normal, sport)
  --ev arg (=0)                         Set the EV exposure compensation, where 0 = no change
  --awb arg (=auto)                     Set the AWB mode (auto, incandescent, tungsten, fluorescent, indoor, daylight, 
                                        cloudy, custom)
  --awbgains arg (=0,0)                 Set explict red and blue gains (disable the automatic AWB algorithm)
  --flush [=arg(=1)] (=0)               Flush output data as soon as possible
  --wrap arg (=0)                       When writing multiple output files, reset the counter when it reaches this 
  --brightness arg (=0)                 Adjust the brightness of the output images, in the range -1.0 to 1.0
  --contrast arg (=1)                   Adjust the contrast of the output image, where 1.0 = normal contrast
  --saturation arg (=1)                 Adjust the colour saturation of the output, where 1.0 = normal and 0.0 = 
  --sharpness arg (=1)                  Adjust the sharpness of the output image, where 1.0 = normal sharpening
  --framerate arg (=30)                 Set the fixed framerate for preview and video modes
  --denoise arg (=auto)                 Sets the Denoise operating mode: auto, off, cdn_off, cdn_fast, cdn_hq
  --viewfinder-width arg (=0)           Width of viewfinder frames from the camera (distinct from the preview window 
  --viewfinder-height arg (=0)          Height of viewfinder frames from the camera (distinct from the preview window 
  --tuning-file arg (=-)                Name of camera tuning file to use, omit this option for libcamera default 
  --lores-width arg (=0)                Width of low resolution frames (use 0 to omit low resolution stream
  --lores-height arg (=0)               Height of low resolution frames (use 0 to omit low resolution stream
  -q [ --quality ] arg (=93)            Set the JPEG quality parameter
  -x [ --exif ] arg                     Add these extra EXIF tags to the output file
  --timelapse arg (=0)                  Time interval (in ms) between timelapse captures
  --framestart arg (=0)                 Initial frame counter value for timelapse captures
  --datetime [=arg(=1)] (=0)            Use date format for output file names
  --timestamp [=arg(=1)] (=0)           Use system timestamps for output file names
  --restart arg (=0)                    Set JPEG restart interval
  -k [ --keypress ] [=arg(=1)] (=0)     Perform capture when ENTER pressed
  -s [ --signal ] [=arg(=1)] (=0)       Perform capture when signal received
  --thumb arg (=320:240:70)             Set thumbnail parameters as width:height:quality
  -e [ --encoding ] arg (=jpg)          Set the desired output encoding, either jpg, png, rgb, bmp or yuv420
  -r [ --raw ] [=arg(=1)] (=0)          Also save raw file in DNG format
  --latest arg                          Create a symbolic link with this name to most recent saved file
  --immediate [=arg(=1)] (=0)           Perform first capture immediately, with no preview phase

高度な動画コマンド libcamera-vid



libcamera-vid -t 10000 -o test.h264




1. 次のコマンドをラズパイで実行します。

libcamera-vid -t 0 --inline --listen -o tcp://

2. 他のコンピュータでVLCを開き、「メディア」→「ネットワークストリームを開く」の順にクリックします。

3. 次のようにURLを入力し、「再生」をクリックします。



libcamera-vid -h
Valid options are:
  -h [ --help ] [=arg(=1)] (=0)         Print this help message
  --version [=arg(=1)] (=0)             Displays the build version number
  -v [ --verbose ] [=arg(=1)] (=0)      Output extra debug and diagnostics
  -c [ --config ] [=arg(=config.txt)]   Read the options from a file. If no filename is specified, default to 
                                        config.txt. In case of duplicate options, the ones provided on the command line
                                        will be used. Note that the config file must only contain the long form 
  --info-text arg (=#%frame (%fps fps) exp %exp ag %ag dg %dg)
                                        Sets the information string on the titlebar. Available values:
                                        %frame (frame number)
                                        %fps (framerate)
                                        %exp (shutter speed)
                                        %ag (analogue gain)
                                        %dg (digital gain)
                                        %rg (red colour gain)
                                        %bg (blue colour gain)
                                        %focus (focus FoM value)
                                        %aelock (AE locked status)
  --width arg (=0)                      Set the output image width (0 = use default value)
  --height arg (=0)                     Set the output image height (0 = use default value)
  -t [ --timeout ] arg (=5000)          Time (in ms) for which program runs
  -o [ --output ] arg                   Set the output file name
  --post-process-file arg               Set the file name for configuring the post-processing
  --rawfull [=arg(=1)] (=0)             Force use of full resolution raw frames
  -n [ --nopreview ] [=arg(=1)] (=0)    Do not show a preview window
  -p [ --preview ] arg (=0,0,0,0)       Set the preview window dimensions, given as x,y,width,height e.g. 0,0,640,480
  -f [ --fullscreen ] [=arg(=1)] (=0)   Use a fullscreen preview window
  --qt-preview [=arg(=1)] (=0)          Use Qt-based preview window (WARNING: causes heavy CPU load, fullscreen not 
  --hflip [=arg(=1)] (=0)               Request a horizontal flip transform
  --vflip [=arg(=1)] (=0)               Request a vertical flip transform
  --rotation arg (=0)                   Request an image rotation, 0 or 180
  --roi arg (=0,0,0,0)                  Set region of interest (digital zoom) e.g. 0.25,0.25,0.5,0.5
  --shutter arg (=0)                    Set a fixed shutter speed
  --analoggain arg (=0)                 Set a fixed gain value (synonym for 'gain' option)
  --gain arg                            Set a fixed gain value
  --metering arg (=centre)              Set the metering mode (centre, spot, average, custom)
  --exposure arg (=normal)              Set the exposure mode (normal, sport)
  --ev arg (=0)                         Set the EV exposure compensation, where 0 = no change
  --awb arg (=auto)                     Set the AWB mode (auto, incandescent, tungsten, fluorescent, indoor, daylight, 
                                        cloudy, custom)
  --awbgains arg (=0,0)                 Set explict red and blue gains (disable the automatic AWB algorithm)
  --flush [=arg(=1)] (=0)               Flush output data as soon as possible
  --wrap arg (=0)                       When writing multiple output files, reset the counter when it reaches this 
  --brightness arg (=0)                 Adjust the brightness of the output images, in the range -1.0 to 1.0
  --contrast arg (=1)                   Adjust the contrast of the output image, where 1.0 = normal contrast
  --saturation arg (=1)                 Adjust the colour saturation of the output, where 1.0 = normal and 0.0 = 
  --sharpness arg (=1)                  Adjust the sharpness of the output image, where 1.0 = normal sharpening
  --framerate arg (=30)                 Set the fixed framerate for preview and video modes
  --denoise arg (=auto)                 Sets the Denoise operating mode: auto, off, cdn_off, cdn_fast, cdn_hq
  --viewfinder-width arg (=0)           Width of viewfinder frames from the camera (distinct from the preview window 
  --viewfinder-height arg (=0)          Height of viewfinder frames from the camera (distinct from the preview window 
  --tuning-file arg (=-)                Name of camera tuning file to use, omit this option for libcamera default 
  --lores-width arg (=0)                Width of low resolution frames (use 0 to omit low resolution stream
  --lores-height arg (=0)               Height of low resolution frames (use 0 to omit low resolution stream
  -b [ --bitrate ] arg (=0)             Set the bitrate for encoding, in bits/second (h264 only)
  --profile arg                         Set the encoding profile (h264 only)
  --level arg                           Set the encoding level (h264 only)
  -g [ --intra ] arg (=0)               Set the intra frame period (h264 only)
  --inline [=arg(=1)] (=0)              Force PPS/SPS header with every I frame (h264 only)
  --codec arg (=h264)                   Set the codec to use, either h264, mjpeg or yuv420
  --save-pts arg                        Save a timestamp file with this name
  -q [ --quality ] arg (=50)            Set the MJPEG quality parameter (mjpeg only)
  -l [ --listen ] [=arg(=1)] (=0)       Listen for an incoming client network connection before sending data to the 
  -k [ --keypress ] [=arg(=1)] (=0)     Pause or resume video recording when ENTER pressed
  -s [ --signal ] [=arg(=1)] (=0)       Pause or resume video recording when signal received
  -i [ --initial ] arg (=record)        Use 'pause' to pause the recording at startup, otherwise 'record' (the default)
  --split [=arg(=1)] (=0)               Create a new output file every time recording is paused and then resumed
  --segment arg (=0)                    Break the recording into files of approximately this many milliseconds
  --circular [=arg(=1)] (=0)            Write output to a circular buffer which is saved on exit